One Less Hard Decision!
College students have plenty of hard decisions to make. Working camp shouldn't be one of them! That's why we've created an option for those potential Summer Staff who have calendar conflicts to still work with us for part of the summer. We're excited to now offer half summers for both new and returning Summer Staff!

Still Make an Impact this Summer!
While we'd love to have you for the full summer, there's still a way to make a forever-difference in the life of campers with the time you do have. So if there's a class you have to take, a family gathering to attend, or a mission trip you're planning to go on, you no longer have to make the tough call to not work camp. You can join us for the first or last half of the summer!

Half Summer Details
☝️First half dates: Staff Training Week - June 28th
✌️Second half dates: June 28th - Last day of camp at your location (+ Staff Training Week)
😄Both new and returning staff are eligible
🚩Half summers are available at overnight camps, day camps, and family camps
🗣️Leadership positions are not eligible for half summers.
🗓Both first-half and second-half staff are still required to attend Staff Training Week

Half Summer FAQs
What is a half summer?
A half-summer affords you the opportunity to work half of a standard full summer commitment!
How long is a half summer?
The half summer transition date at which point first half summer staff will be released and second half summer staff will be onboarded is June 28th. All first half-summer commitments are 4 weeks, while second half summer commitments can range from 3-5 weeks depending upon camp location.
Who is eligible to work a half summer?
All potential summer staff are eligible to work a half-summer, however we highly encourage full summer commitments and offer additional incentives for staff that are able to fulfill a full summer commitment!
How do I apply for a half summer?
Just apply as normal and in your call with a hiring manager or in your interview express an interest in working a half summer!
Which camp locations and staff positions are half summers available for?
All camp locations except International Camp have eligible half summer positions to offer. All positions except Leadership Staff positions are eligible.
How are the dates determined for which half of the summer to work?
The half summer commitment has been determined by the June 28th transition date. Based upon your availability you can either choose the first half or the second half of the summer!
Is there any pay difference for working a half summer instead of a full summer?
There is no difference in weekly pay for full summer staff and half summer staff, outside of increases due to certain skill certifications, etc.
What will happen if I decide I want to work longer during my half summer session?
At this time we are not extending contracts beyond the 4-week first half or the 3-5 week second half. As we get closer to the start of summer we will evaluate the possibility of extending your contract.
What if I only want to work the second half of the summer?
Half summer staff are eligible to serve either the first half of the summer or the second half of the summer! During the interview process there will be opportunities for staff to communicate their preference regarding which half of the summer they desire to serve.
Are specialist positions also able to work a half summer?
All positions outside of International Camp and Leadership Staff are eligible to serve a half summer! However, there are some positions where it is preferable to have a full summer commitment.
Will I still be required to attend Staff Training if I work a half summer?
Summer staff who opt into working a half-summer are responsible to cover their own travel to Staff Training Week and Camp Location. In an effort to offset some of the cost, WinShape will offer a stipend to cover a portion of the travel expense.
Would I still be able to come to the banquet at the end of the summer if I work the first half of the summer?
Half-Summer staff that work the first half session are invited to attend the End of Summer Banquet though it is not mandatory as that is an additional travel expense that you would incur.